About Us


Safe Place SA

Safe Place SA is an NDIS Service Provider and organisation that provides residential and community care for older people, support to children, families and people living with a disability, financially disadvantaged people and people seeking asylum. We do provide support for Aged Care and Home Care Packages.

Mental Health Project – Presentation Night 2017

Peter Malinauskas MP – Premier of South Australia and Zoe Bettison Minister for Multicultural Affairs – Presentation Night – Mental Health Project in Collaboration with Grow

Safe PLace SA 1

David Speirs

State Liberal Leader. As leader of the State Liberals, David is passionate about a bright future for SA. During our time at Safe Place SA (30 Bed) Crisis shelter, David and his team supported us through the Compulsory Acquisition process.

Jayne Stinson

Member of the South Australian House of Assembly – Jayne supported our organisation through the Compulsory Acquisition.

Kid’s Carnival – (Charity Fundraiser) March 2018- St Elias – Chairperson

Our Kid’s Carnival was an absolute success. We raised Over 15K (After expenses). We have presented a cheque of $11590.10 to the Enzo Cornejo trust account to support Enzo with medical bills.

Our Team

Our team at Adelaide’s largest and most iconic Disability and Ageing community event! As NDIS Service Provider, the Disability, Ageing and Lifestyle Expo will give US access to a wide variety of professional services and support collaboration.

Safe Place SA was developed from 15 years of research into Crisis accommodation

Safe Place SA Crisis accommodation | Adelaide, South Australia

614 South Road Glandore
2009 – 2022 (30 Bed facility) 
A Community Centre specifically designed for Crisis accommodation with specific requirements for crisis care. We have become extremely equipped to service this target group cohort. The property has been developed and reconfigured to provide these attributes unlike other “supported care” or affordable housing developments.Our services included : Migration, accommodation, job placement, mental health support, Centrelink support, financial advice, disability support (social model of disability site), child safe policy site, food relief and many social services
As caring professionals with over 15 years’ experience within this sector, we are well equipped to cater for people living with special needs.

Part proceeds go toward Our affiliation with the Charity (Safe Place Accommodation and support incorporated), Projects that support vulnerable South Australians Community Initiatives as an NDIS Service Provider, & Government Projects (Grants)

May 2021-Social Model Of Disability – Multicultural Affairs

(Department of The Premier and Cabinet) have approved a $21,000.00 – Project for Function Centre Upgrade for our Social Model of Disability. Total project cost is $42,000.00Celebrate Together Grant Offer – Arts & Entertainment Sector – Annual Multicultural Functions.

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet approved a grant of $3450 to support us in promoting cultural diversity within the South Australian community.

Safer Communities Fund Round 4 – 2019- Chairperson

The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science has supported and approved a Grant for our community to upgrade all of our security on site. A Total of $177,165, excluding GST. To deliver safer communities by protecting children who are at risk of attack, harassment or violence stemming from racial or religious intolerance. This project will help to reduce crime and increase feelings of safety within our community.

Youth Projects- Retreats and Events

Since 2008 We have been involved in organising many projects that support our youth community. River retreats, bonding weekends away, Festivals, Youth activities, round table discussion sessions, religious activities, interstate weekend retreats, employment support, educational support, social interaction, financial support. During this time I have contributed in the resilience and wellbeing of our youth within our community by addressing anti-social behaviour, crime and any related risks.

2017 Infrastructure Mental Health Program

Supported by Grants SA and Grow. Grant’s SA approved a 52K Infrastructure Program for our Mental health project in collaboration with Grow (mental health organisation) supported by the Honourable Zoe Bettison (Minister for Multicultural Affairs) and the Honourable Peter Malanauskas.

2017 Mobile Community Assistance Project

Grants SA approved a 21K vehicle grant for our community. This enabled us to deliver our existing services (Through the settlement services program) to the wider community.

Volunteers and seniors Grants

Since 2005 I have been involved in organising many projects that support seniors and volunteers.

Mediterranean Festival (Arts and Entertainment)

Between 2008 and 2014- Public Officer. During this time, I received funding and support from the Adelaide City Council for a Multicultural Festival (celebrating Cultural diversity through Art and Entertainment).

Contact us for more details

NDIS Service Provider – Call us at (08) 7001 7580 or 040200 5412 to schedule an appointment with our experts. You can also write to us at info@safeplacesa.com.au.

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